Search Engine Optimization

Content Management

Search Engine Marketing

Experience Matters

Almost 10 years ago Greg Bennett the owner of Wisconsin Strategic Marketing was one of the first to say, “Why not just build Search Engine Optimization into a company’s website from the get go? Why do it expo facto???” That type of innovation paid off and companies benefited handsomely as they left their competitors in the dust of just another pretty website!

Search Engine Marketing

Our Search Engine Marketing services seek one primary goal – generate targeted traffic to your site. Only then are we satisfied, as your success becomes our success. Without strategic marketing any website fails its most important objective. Wisconsin Strategic Marketing focuses specifically on how to succeed at website marketing through website design that leads to search engine placement via organic optimization, pay-per-click, strategic submission, Google analytics, conversion optimization, and social media and branding programs. We help you achieve high traffic to your website that ultimately converts to profit.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There are over 128 factors that affect how a website ranks in Google. Not taking them all into account will doom your website to search engine obscurity. Achieving a page 1 or even 2 ranking for the RIGHT KEYWORD/PHRASE is essential. Learn more about our process…

Social Media Optimization

According to a recent article by R2integrate , “ 31 percent of marketers use social media to publish content, 27 percent use it for lead generation and business development, and 19 percent use it to listen to conversations and monitor their brand yet, “56 percent of companies do not have a defined social media strategy, while 45 percent have no plans to hire dedicated staff to manage their social media marketing.”

Off-page optimization leads to backlinking which leads to higher Page Rank

Bottom line is there are opportunities for competitive advantage in Press Releases, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Directory Linking and Blogging. Learn how we can strategically implement these at a low cost that brings about a high return. Learn more…

Email Marketing

Our email marketing software partner Constant Contact states email marketing is, “a must-have for building your business!” We agree. Email Marketing is one of the most inexpensive and easiest means to connect with your customers –existing and potential. Email Marketing is much more than just advertising your products or services- it is an essential ingredient to building a lasting and profitable customer relationship! Sign up now for a free trial to see how easy it is!