Web Design

Web Design and Marketing

Design with a Purpose:

Wisconsin Strategic Web Marketing designs websites with a distinctive difference. That difference is how we start the process. We like to call it intelligent-design.

Can you imagine starting a business without a business plan? Most companies do just that when it comes to their website. They simply start with the supposition, “If we build it they will come!”

Unless your website has a purpose it will have little impact. What is it?  Build community, sell a product or service, or simply inform and educate?

Our exceptional experience is the assistance we lend in helping you navigate the way -defining your purpose, target audience, navigation, design considerations, etc. Our designers are simply the best-they think marketing before they think design.  We supply the tipping point between you and your competitors.  We understand how ALL the pieces need to fit together better than our competition!

Wisconsin Strategic Web Design Process:

Strategy = Website integration into your overall marketing plan; Purpose(s) defined, including target markets; competitive analysis; keyword analysis…

Architect and Design = Site Map derived from Marketing plan (what needs to be in the site?); WireFrame/Siteframe  (How is the space utilized by importance and for impact); Visual Design (A elegant and clean design utilizing a intuitive layout that enhances your brand and delivers a favorable first impression!)

Build and Integrate = Everything technical; your design and architecture is integrated into content management system and content is optimized for search engines.

Integrated Marketing = Social Media; email marketing; ongoing search engine optimization; Training = we empower you!

E-Commerce –Is all about making money and you cannot do that without conversions.  Conversions are about usability and design.  Wisconsin Strategic Web Marketing knows how to both better.